Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Day In the Snow...

This is just a typical day in the snow over the Christmas break with me and my cousins. In this pic, we are skating at my Uncles house. It was alot of fun! :)
I can't wait ti'll next christmas!!!!

(Victoria ^ Nathan^ ^Tyler)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Winter is Gone!

Finaly winter is over, but its still a bit cold. Thankfully
we have no snow up here in Whitby. When I went up to
westree for Easter, there was LOADS of snow!
Well now its spring and hopfully the
snow in westree goes away too so we
can use the pool :). And pretty soon its
going to be summer wich means the nice
hot sushine all the time instead of snow.
( thank goodness!)
Summer is on June 21, so only...66 more
days! Wow, thats a long time! Oh well, it will hopfully go by fast!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My First Posting

Hey everyone, this is my first blog posting and each week I will be posting at least one blog entry, so keep checking in to see whats new!